Wednesday 22 October 2008

The everLoss System Is Officially Launched - Weight Loss is Easy With everLoss

After much anticipation the everLoss Weight Loss System has finally launched and is available to buy at a special launch price that may not last long.

I’m guessing that you’ve tried just about every hot and trendy diet plan, bought every cardboard tasting nutrition bar and replace-a-meal shake, jittered out on diet pills that promise you miracles in a bottle, or pulled a muscle or two at the gym, and you still look at yourself in the mirror every day feeling like NOTHING is going to work for you.

The TRUTH is that there is actually VERY LITTLE weight you will lose if you continue to think that the results you are looking for is achieved with an instant fix or band-aid solution.

YOU, and everyone like you, needs to understand that adapting a positive lifestyle change, along with the right meal plan, simple exercise routine, and effective supplement intake, are the ONLY ways that you are going to successfully lose that weight FOREVER!

Thats where everLoss comes in. This system takes you through the whole comprehensive process of how to effectively lose weight, get fit and stay healthy but most importantly keep that weight off!

To find out more visit now!

Saturday 18 October 2008

Everloss - Learn How To Lose Weight Without Dieting

At some point in time almost everyone wants to lose a little weight. Whether you have five pounds to lose or a hundred pounds, losing weight can be very difficult and frustrating. Everyone is different but there are certain fundamentals which we must understand in order to lose weight and keep it off.

A good rule of thumb on how much weight you need to lose (if any) is the body mass index, or BMI. The BMI takes into account your height and give you a weight range in which you should fall into. Determining your BMI will give you a good idea of how much weight you can safely lose, or if you don’t need to lose any.

With all the fad diets out there it can seem very confusing which way is the best way to lose weight. Everyone has heard the many diet myths and many of us jump from diet fad to fad in hopes of permanently losing our excess weight. When it comes down to it weight loss is no great mystery. If the calories you consume in a day exceed the calories you use, you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If the calories consumed and used are approximately the same you will stay the same weight.

Many people loath the thought of calorie counting, but getting a good idea of how much calories are in your food is a great way to either lose or maintain weight. Start by figuring out approximately how many calories are in your daily meals, and soon it will actually become second nature. You don’t need to be exact down to the calorie but a general idea should help you. It is also important that you know how many calories your body needs to function properly and ensure you never go below that number.

One of the biggest diet traps is portion sizes. In today’s society our portion sizes are often double what they would have been only 30 years ago. Try taking smaller amounts of food and eating slowly, thus allowing the stomach to signal the brain that it is full. Eating smaller meals throughout the day is another great way to control portion size. Many people eat large meals because by the time their scheduled meal time rolls around they are starving. If you go out to eat, getting half your meal wrapped up for later is a great way to control your portions.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to weight loss. Getting some sort of exercise everyday is important for our health. Even if you just go for a 30 minute walk everyday you are still contributing. Losing weight means a lifestyle change for most people that include healthy and nutritious food as well as getting your body on the move.

These are some smiple basics of weight loss. For a more in depth view of how to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy visit

Wednesday 8 October 2008

EverLoss System - Learn To Lose Your Fat Forever - Completely Online!

Still Overweight? Why am I not surprised - don't worry you're among millions of people that have the same problem you do. Oddly enough though, every single one of those people - including you - have their own set of special needs in order to battle this weight loss epidemic.

Perhaps you just need to work on the love handles and thighs, or perhaps you are suffering from obesity or are well on your way... It's no laughing matter for both - health reasons and that of your social existence and self confidence. We've been studying this epidemic and have seen both worst case scenarios get even worse, as well as studied the effective treatments that worked for a variety of different body types, metabolism types, and weight categories..

The only thing that works, is when you combine the number one thing that makes you tick (your brain) with the best combination of foods, eating patterns, supplements, and exercises (and I don't mean busting your butt at the gym - healthy exercise has little to do with treadmills or weights).

The success stories are out there, and the research and development is complete - for everLoss to finally make its way to the public platform as the fastest growing 'online diet' program on the internet. Why? Simply due to the fact that IT WORKS! The unique approach to weight loss and healthy living takes you through a variety of actions that stimulate your fat burning engine, and speed up your metabolism. The fact that it's all online, and delivered to you instantly so you can start right away or absorb slowly and start when ready is very innovative and discreet...

Trying to be discreet about a diet may be tough, and we understand the social issues at hand well - so learning how to diet first, and then approaching it on YOUR time, at YOUR pace, is quite important. Nothing motivates you more than seeing first hand results or finally learning something new. As we like to say here at - Expect Unexpected Results!

This site has been attracting a great crowd for many reasons, some are obvious - it's simple to use, it's flexible and fits with anyones lifestyle or time schedule, and while it's still in launch mode it's currently at a discounted rate to begin - oh and it also comes with a 60 day guarantee so you literally have nothing to lose but your weight. If you DON'T lose weight, well two things happen - 1 - You get 100% of your money back no questions asked, and - 2 - You will continue to search for a quick fix problem that doesn't exist....

So today, mark it on your calendar as the day you finally stood in the mirror and said to yourself "I'm going to make a change for the better, I'm going to finally attack this 'fat' stuff from the right angle (no pun)". Be smart about losing weight, not a two week try hard only to get fatter again - educate yourself and take our 30 day action plan into effect the moment you are ready - you'll thank yourself you finally made this choice, and so will those in your circle as the authentic you is revealed from head to toe, and from energy level to sense of well being.

Start your educational session and see why so many people have successfully shed their pounds at

EverLoss - It Fits You Good!